
Keynote Speakers Details


Prof. Syh-Jong Jang /Distinguished Professor

Center for General Education, Asia University, Taiwan

Syh-Jong Jang now is a Distinguished Professor at Asia University in Taiwan. He received his PhD in Science Education from the University of Texas at Austin, USA. He has been a visiting Professor at the University of Georgia, USA and FT PGDE(P) Program External Examiner-The Hong Kong Institute of Education. His research expertise is information technologies and TPACK from pre-service and in-service teacher level. He has published a lot SSCI-index research papers which focus on technology in teacher education and innovative science teaching in all levels. These published Journals include Computers in Human Behavior, Computers & Education, BJET, AJET, Educational Research, Higher Education, International Journal of Science Education, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, etc. He also grants many research projects from Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.