
Keynote Speakers Details


Dr. Yovav Eshet /Assistant Professor

Zefat Academic College, Israel

Dr. Yovav Eshet received his PhD from the Haifa University in the Faculty of Business Administration specializing in human resources. He is a member of the Artificial Intelligence Committee and the College Teaching Committee. For the past four years, he serves as the digital learning designer of Zefat Academic College. As part of his role he acts as a mentor, conducts workshops and takes care of guest lectures for more than three hundred lecturers who teach at Zefat Academic College. He is a prolific researcher who specializes in the field of academic integrity in different learning environments, such as face-to-face, online, computerized, hybrid, etc. He has authored over thirty articles published in leading journals and has articles in books published in the USA, England, Greece, Poland, and Sweden. These articles were cited in over six hundred different academic sources. He presented his research in lectures and scientific posters at a wide variety of over a hundred academic conferences, in Europe, Asia and North America. He has twice won awards of excellence for presenting research at a scientific conference.